Sabtu, 12 November 2016

Sights that I like is Riam Sambora. I like this place because for me this place is very interesting and to get there need extra energy. there is no large rocks and waterfalls. I usually go there with friends and relatives. High School when I went there together with my friends, Ambar, Stella, Reka, Siti. Arriving there the most spirit and the fastest until the top level is Stella. when he got there we immediately shower and do not forget Selfi, there we also met with school friends we Rida and Risa, they both go on the ground along with their girlfriends and we deliberately did not say hello to them so they think that we are angry with them, when they say hello us, we pretend not to hear so that they feel ashamed of themselves. I also never go to Riam with my brother called Triana, Warsini, and Yuyun. when we go there we lost because we forgot the road to menujub there were supposed to turn right but instead we turn left we kept running but after the away trip that we took we realized that we lost and we'd ask the people in the forest and they also tell us that sebanarnya road and we continued our journey and energy we spend too much extra for lost earlier and had to turn around to be able to get there. after arriving there we were soon enjoying the coolness of the waterfall, when he got.

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