Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Since I did not have handpone androit so I suppose.
Applications that I like because it is google, google we can access all the applications eg line, bbm, fb, games, and others. We can also look for information we do not know for example, travel in Indonesia one of them in KALBAR, the history of the beginning of man in the world, searching for the words are difficult to understand, find a location that is unknown to us, looking for a job, looking for information about the artist or actors that we like, looking for a cake recipe, and many others. Most people prefer to use google apps for, google one of the applications that can be relied upon in addition to other applications. For my own google so is important because with google i can do my college assignment, without google might I find it difficult to do the work because some of the tasks given by professors and sometimes parts of the lecturers told to seek some understanding of the materials provided to us.
I also like the application of fuel because they can chat with friends we know and no stranger in our bbm contacts. we can also make her sample group ITN group for new students in 2016. This app may be just what I love-alikasi existing applications. thanks.

Sabtu, 08 Oktober 2016

                                                   5 TENSES WE FREQUENTLY USE

Digunakan untuk menyatakan habitual action atau rutinitas dan fakta-fakta umum.

Rumus : (+) S + V1(s/es)
 (-) S + do/does + not + v1
             (?) Do/Does + S + v1

V1 (Do)
V1+s/es (Does)

A.                   They go to campus by bus
(-) They don’t go to campus by bus
(?) Do they go to campus by bus?

B.                   She Goes to  campus by motorcycle
(-) She Doesn’t go to campus by motorcycle
(?) does she go to campus by motorcycle?

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kalimat yang terjadi di masa lampau.
Rumus : (+) S + V2
                (-) S + did + not + V1
                (?) Did + S + V1

Example :
A.                   They went to campus by bus
(-) They didn’t go to campus by bus
(?) Did they go to campus by bus?

B.                   She went to campus by motorcycle
(-) She didn’t go to campus by motorcycle
(?) Did she go to campus by motorcycle?

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sedang berlangsung
Rumus : (+) S + be + Ving
                (-) S + be + not + Ving
                 (?) Be + S + Ving


Example :
A.                   They are going to campus by bus
(-) They aren’t going to campus by bus
(?) Are they going to campus by bus?

Digunakan untuk mengekspresikan kejadian yang belum terjadi, masih direncanakan, atau kejadian dimasa yang akan datang.
Rumus : (+) S + will + V1
                (-) S + will + not + V1
                (?) Will + S + V

Digunakan untuk menyatakan kejadian yang sudah terjadi dan hasilnya masih terasa/terlihat.
Rumus : (+) S + has/have + V3
                 (-) S + has/have + not + V3
                (?) Has/Have + S + V3

1.                   She (drink) coffee. (S. Past)
Answer :   (+) She drank coffee
                 (-) She didn’t drink coffee
                 (?) Did she drink coffee?
2.                   They (Start) the course. (Pr. Perfect)
Answer :   (+) They have started the course
                 (-) They haven’t started the course
                 (?) Have they started the course?
3.                   Ana and Linda (open) the account (Past Cont)
Answer :   (+) Ana and Linda were opening the account
                 (-) Ana and Linda weren’t opening the account
                 (?) Were Ana and Linda opening the account?
4.                   The bank (close) at 5pm (S. Present)
Answer :   (+) The bank close at 5pm
                 (-) The bank doesn’t close at 5pm
                 (?) Does the bank close at 5pm?
5.                   The dog (run) through the part (S. Past)
Answer :   (+) The dog ran through the part
                 (-) The dog didn’t run through the part
                 (?) Did the dog run through the part?

The film depicts the life of mine is "Remember When"The film is a bit concerned with my life, although not exactly the same. This movie tells the story of four people who are friends, two women and two men, Lisa, Sarah, Moses and Radit. They were friends little rhyme, when their high school dating. Moses going out with Lisa and Radit dating Sarah. Moses is always busy with his school work so that she does not know what his girlfriend likes. Radit type of guy who's romantic, attentive however, Sarah kind of girl who is too busy with fasion and never agree with Radit this makes Radit feel uncomfortable. Radit like Lisa and did the Lisa.
I have a friend named Widia, we are friends since childhood, we got their lovers and friends Deni Andri it its name. Widia dating while I am with Deni Andri. Andri type of guy who was always busy with his work and almost no time to Widia, while Deni type of guy who is romantic and attentive. One day I went shopping with my Deni always ask whether the goods are suitable if I wear? he replied no and I think that the item is suitable for me. we both never agree this makes our relationship strained. Deni and Widia began somewhat close over time they are very familiar, so Deni started liking but Widia Widia has not been informed, as well as with Widia but Widia not want to ruin a friendship with me. over time I learned that Dean likes Widia because of the nature somewhat changed with me. I asked Dean if you still love me? Deni answered still. but I know that Dean lied to me because Dean does not want to hurt my feelings. Her next day I asked him again whether you still love me? answer honestly, I already knew what her answer. Deni replied no because I love another woman. I was asked again if she was Widia? Dean nodded. Deni finally going out with Widia

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Two items that I often take my time to go is handpone and handbagshandpone is one item that I often take when I go anywhere karane handpone very important to me. with handpone I can communicate with family and friends far away. I handpone nokia usual black color, this handpone administration of the former, this being useful stuff for me because it was the only one who can make me able to call their families. handpone contacted me there keluaga contacts, friends, ex, boyfriend, gebetan. although handpone just plain does not matter to me which is important to untuki menelfondan sms and most importantly there is a pulse.Bags are very useful items to store items that I need when I go for example to go to college. Inside the bag containing books, proof pens, markers, pencil boxes, bracelets and others. My bag is black. This bag is very important to me because without this bag I can not carry items that I need when I want to many of my posts, sorry if there is a wrong word. please understand I just learned I hope the future can be better than this.thanks.